Current and past courses: https://econ.ucalgary.ca/profiles/162-33644/courses
Current STudent
Hanqi Liu
Ph.D, Ongoing
Research interests:
International Trade
Labor Economics
Ongoing project:
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Education: Evidence from the China Shock
Fruzsina Mayer
Economist at the Social Analysis and Modelling Division of Statistics Canada
Research interests:
Gender roles
Economics of discrimination
Website:Linkedln page
Chetan Sharma, MA
Associate at the Macro Intelligence team of Enverus
Research interests:
Natural Resource Economics
International Trade
Industrial Organization
Akio Yamazaki
Assistant Professor (w/tenure), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan
Research interests:
Environmental economics
Urban economics
Public economics
Environment and growth
CGE analysis
Applied microeconomics
Website: www.akioyamazaki.weebly.com
Jevan cherniwchan
Canada Research Chair in Economics of Sustainability and Globalization
Associate Professor (w/tenure), Carleton University
Co-organizer of the Ottawa Applied Microeconomics Lab
Chair of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association.
Previous position: Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
Research interests:
International trade
Environmental economics
Economic growth
Economic history
Website: https://cherniwchan.org/
juan moreno-Cruz
Canada Research Chair in Energy Transitions
Associate Professor (w/tenure) at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, University of Waterloo
CESifo Research Affiliate
Visiting Researcher in the Department of Global Ecology of the Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University (since 2015)
Advisor for Carnegie Energy Innovation (since 2017)
Research Associate of Harvard University’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program.
Previous position: Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Research interests:
Interaction of energy systems
Technological change
Climate policy
Website: https://morenocruz.org/
Curriculum Vitae
Yutaro Sakai
Associate Professor (w/tenure), School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
University of Tokyo Excellent Young Researcher at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Research interests:
Fisheries Economics
Environmental and resource economics
Health economics
Website: yutarosakai.site
Younes Ahmadi
Economist at Alberta Energy Regulator
Previous position: Alberta Treasury Board and Finance (Economics and Revenue Forecasting)
Previous position: Climate Change Office, Government of Alberta
Research interests:
Environment and resource economics
Applied econometrics
International trade
Website: Linkedln page
Olena Ivus
Associate Professor (w/tenure), Queen's University
E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Business Economics
Research interests:
International trade
Intellectual property rights
Applied microeconomics
International high-skilled migration
Rui Wan
Assistant Professor, Nanjing University
Visiting Scholar, University of British Columbia
Research interests:
Environmental economics
International trade
Natural resources
Public economics
Health economics
Website: Google scholar page
xeniA matschke
Professor, University of Trier
Chair of International Economic Policy
Gorazd Ruseski
Director General, Indigenous Affairs, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Website: Linkedln page
Chayun Tantivasadakarn
Associate Professor, Thammasat University
Director / Glow Energy Public Co., Ltd.
Research interests:
International trade
Environmental economics
Economic modelling
Website: https://www.be.econ.tu.ac.th/index.php?option=com_sobipro&pid=55&sid=72:Chayun-Tantivasadakarn&Itemid=20
zhihao yu
Professor, Carleton University
Member of the Editorial Committee of Frontiers of Economics in China.
External Research Fellow, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP), United Kingdom
Research interests:
International trade
International business
Business dynamism
Political economy of government policy
Trade and the environment
Chinese economic growth
Website: https://carleton.ca/zyu/
Junior Analyst/Economist at the Business Income Tax Division of Finance Canada
Thesis title: Distributional Effects of Changes in BC’s Carbon Tax Revenue-Use
Link: Thesis paper
PhD. students (committee member), post-docs, Honours students, and visiting students
rahel aichele
PostDoc, Chair of International Growth and Business Cycle Theory, Paderborn University, Germany
Research Affiliate, CESifo Research Network, Munich, Germany
Research interests:
Trade and environment
Carbon leakage
Climate policy
Website: https://www.uni-paderborn.de/en/person/88566
emily blanchard
Chief Economist of the US Department of State
Associate Professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College (on faculty leave)
Research Fellow with the Center for Economic Policy Research
Member of the CESifo Research Network
Research interests:
International economics and policy
Carol McAusland
Professor of Food and Resource Economics in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems , UBC
Fellow of the CESifo Research Network and the University of Calgary's School of Public Policy.
Chair of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association from 2018-2021
Research interests:
Interactions between globalization and public good provision
Website: https://www.landfood.ubc.ca/carol-mcausland/
Karen Pittel
Professor of Economics, University of Munich
Director of the ifo Center for Energy, Climate, and Resources
Research interests:
Exhaustible resources
Growth and sustainability
Website: http://www.cesifo-group.de/pittel-k
emanuel ornelas
Professor, Sao Paulo School of Economics
Research Fellow, International Trade and Regional Economics, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Research Fellow, CESifo Research Network
Research interests:
International trade
Trade policy
Political economy
Theories of the firm
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/emanuelornelaseo/home
Matt Webb
Associate Professor, Carleton University
Research interests:
Applied microeconomics
Economics of education
Labour economics
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/matthewdwebb/
Stephen yeaple
Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Research Affiliate, Ifo Institute, 2009-present.
Research interests:
International trade
Industrial organization
Applied microeconomics
Nafisa LohawalA
Fellow at Resources for the Future
Research interests:
Energy Economics
Public Finance
Industrial Organization
Website: https://www.rff.org/people/nafisa-lohawala/
shane sherlund
Deputy Associate Director, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research interests:
Real estate
Consumer finance
Econometrics and statistics
Website: https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/shane-m-sherlund.htm